Birthdays are the one day a year that are uniquely yours. It's your day to do what you want, with who you want, where you want. You get to choose what you eat, the flavor of the cake that's supporting the bonfire that has become the candles for your ever increasing age. And, if you are really lucky, you even get to pick what flavor ice cream you're going to chase the cake with. For the husbands big 4-0, he's managed to get himself a weekend away, in the middle of no where at a B&B. His biggest issue this week was figuring out what he needed to pack.  That lasted for about 30 seconds, then I hopped on Polyvore.
Being the great wife that I am, I decided it would be much easier to put together some spring outfits for him now so I wasn't doing this the night before we have to leave. I dug through his closet to see what I could find in lighter colors and materials, mixing and matching in some warmer pieces. The colors I picked will look good on just about anyone, and really good on you pasty people who look as though you're sporting that beautiful computer room tan. Which reminds me, I should pack some sunscreen too.

For me, I mixed some of my summery pieces in with warmer winter layers.  I'm sure to stay comfortable that way, and not turn into a shivery, teeth chattering popsicle.  Remember, if you want things to be a little more casual push or roll the sleeves up, guys.  You can easily change the feel of an entire outfit based on the accessories you put with it.  I'm also sticking with the classics this year.  Fewer trendy pieces.  
Look for a closet slim down post in the coming weeks!
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