This years birthday cake creation for Minion #1 was Sonic the Hedgehog for the Wii themed birthday party.  I like birthdays so I tend to put some extra effort into the cake, party, etc.  It's the one day you get that's all yours, so we might go a little overboard.  But only a little.

Sonic is actually pretty easy to do.  Make your cake.  I used (2) 8" cake pans.  One box of cake mix for you gluten devouring people, or two boxes for those of us who are gluten free.  I made strawberry cake (tossed a handful of strawberries in the food processor and splash of strawberry flavor).

Cut your cakes into some semblance of these shapes:
I used a Tupperware cupcake carrier for the base
Next you'll want to mix up your icing.  I used a butter cream recipe  (1 cup butter, 4 cups powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2-4 tablespoons milk.) and a lot of royal blue gel coloring.  When I was ready to start frosting the cake, with a toothpick I drew in the outline of the face, eyes, nose, etc. so I would know where to frost.  Then, attach the hair and ear to the round cake with a little frosting 'glue'.

Hair all 'glued' in place and frosted.
I didn't use a bag to frost the blue, just a small bent frosting knife.
Don't eat till you see the whites of his eyes!
The white icing I piped in with standard round #3 tip and smoothed it with a finger dipped in cold water.
Finally starting to look like a ...something
Using the same technique with piping and wet finger I whipped up some football brown into white icing for the face.
Sonic, in all his gooey glory
Finally, I used some store bought black gel to do the final touches.  If you keep your cake chilled or frozen before you decorate it, you don't typically get the little crumbs mixing into the icing as you go.  I also use gel colorant and not the liquid, it tends to make better colors and doesn't get the frosting as liquidy.


This post can be seen here as well!

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30 Responses
  1. HiPockets Says:

    Thanks for posting. I found this and it totally helped me make a great cake for my son!

  2. Lana Says:

    Thank you so much for this. My son loves Sonic and you have saved me about $260.00 - Every bakery around wanted a fortune to do this cake!

  3. Unknown Says:

    I love this. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Kelly Garcia Says:

    Thanks so much. I made this for my son's birthday today. Looked great!

  5. my bf is really into sonic. I'm gluten free so good to know this is possible to make gf. Hopefully this works for me!

  6. Unknown Says:

    this is awesome i just wanted to know if you used a template or you free handed it

  7. Dawn Says:

    I just free handed it.
    Print yourself out a picture and use a toothpick to 'draw' some initial lines in before you cut if you're nervous. Icing covers a lot of mistakes so don't get too worked up about it not being perfect.

  8. Unknown Says:

    Awesome! My soon-to-be 5 year old is sonic-obsessed. Appreciate the tutorial!!

  9. Unknown Says:

    Thank you! I'm making this right now for my son's 6th birthday tomorrow! So far so good!

  10. Unknown Says:

    Awesome. My 5 yr old daughter loves sonic. Making this tonight!

  11. Unknown Says:

    Awesome. My 5 yr old daughter loves sonic. Making this tonight!

  12. Unknown Says:

    I will be making this for my 12 year old tomorrow I am very stoked

  13. Unknown Says:

    I know this is an old post but is the football brown a food coloring you can buy at like Walmart to mix in the white icing? I’m going to try to make this for my sons birthday next week!

  14. Unknown Says:

    I was thinking of adding chocolate icing to vanilla till I get the right color?

  15. Country Oven Says:

    Nice Article, Country Oven Offers Best Minion Cakes in India from all other Countries.

  16. Anita Says:

    When searching for a Sonic the Hedgehog cake, I ran across this and it was a lifesaver! Couldn’t have asked for a better tutorial, thank you so much for posting this!

  17. Unknown Says:

    Just finished making this for my grandson. Great instructions! Thanks so much!

  18. Unknown Says:

    I am going to try to make this, and also an Amy version as well. Do you have any suggestions on how to get the head to look like Amy?

  19. Unknown Says:

    Do you have to have a mixer for the icing

  20. Unknown Says:

    Cake came out wonderful for my grandson. Thank you for your directions and helpful hints.

  21. lewtch Says:

    Modified and made a Knuckles cake for my kiddo! Thanks for sharing!

  22. Danni Says:

    Awesome, I be it came out great. I would love to do a Tails cake.

  23. Danni Says:

    I love the fact this blog post has helped parents over the years make their kid's party special! Sonic is a legend and this year marks 30 years! My four year old is a next generation super fan 🤩

  24. Unknown Says:

    Thank you so much for the directions and the top. My grandson will LOVE this!!!

  25. Unknown Says:

    Just wanted to say, this tutorial is helping a kid celebrate his 13th bday this year, and he was only 4 when you wrote it. Thank you!!

  26. Unknown Says:

    I was asked to make this cake for Saturday. I was lost on how to do it without a pan. You just saved me so much stress! Thank you, thank you!!

  27. Unknown Says:

    Just made this for my son's 6th birthday. Turned out great! I used black shoestring licorice instead of black gel icing. Thanks!

  28. Mike Says:

    Made this cake today! Turned out even better than I'd hoped. So cool to see so many people using this guide over the years. Thanks!

  29. Unknown Says:

    I like birthday parties, we love to prepare cakes with different ideas, hedgehog cake is the best idea.

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